Feedstock Traceability &

UCO Traceability Software Solution For Tracking Sources Of Used Cooking Oils From Restaurant To Final Blend To Comply With EPA Regulations        

EPA Traceability Compliance

UCO Traceability Software is designed to ensure full compliance with EPA regulations by meticulously tracking every step of your used cooking oil and grease collection process. This system provides comprehensive documentation and data necessary to meet all regulatory requirements, simplifying compliance management for your business.

Route Optimization

Utilize our UCO Traceability Software to efficiently plan your collection routes, aiming to minimize fuel consumption, reduce emissions, and save time. This feature of our software is specifically designed to optimize route planning, thereby maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of your collection teams.

Mobile App with GPS

Empower your field teams with a mobile app equipped with GPS tracking and web forms for real-time data capture. Stay connected and make informed decisions while your teams are on the move.

Client Rebate Management

Automate and simplify the management of client rebates, ensuring accurate calculations and transparent reporting. This feature enhances your client relationships by providing them with clear and timely rebate information.

IoT Enabled

Utilize IoT technology to monitor collection bins, equipment, and even the quality of collected grease in real time, enabling proactive maintenance and data-driven decisions.

Plant Processing Module

Optimize processing operations with dedicated modules that efficiently transform collected materials into usable products. This streamlining of processes will help reduce costs and enhance overall productivity.

Biodiesel Control Center UCO Traceability Software

Unlock the Unlimited Potential for Just $20 Per User, and Only $0.25 Per Location

With our Used Cooking Oils and Grease Collection Tracking System, you can navigate commodities, optimize your operations, enhance compliance, and improve your overall efficiency while contributing to a more sustainable future. Get in touch with us to learn more about how our system can benefit your business

Additional Benefits

In addition to optimizing your operations and contributing to sustainability, our system offers benefits such as efficient Receiving and Lab Results Tracking, streamlined shipping with Forms and Certifications, a secure Compliance Auditing Portal, and insightful Advanced Reporting to empower data-driven decisions.

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